Guest Wi-Fi

Offers a guest wireless service to provide authorised sponsored guests access to the internet.

  • What are the features provided by this service?
    • Self Registration
    • Guest Access to the Internet
    • Available wherever County Wi-Fi is deployed
  • How do I request or access this service?
    • Instructions are available on
  • What are the requirements/pre-requisites for this service?
    • Use of this service requires connectivity and completion of guest registration form on their device.
  • What is the turn around time for service delivery?
    • N/A.
  • What are the responsibilities of customer?
    • Functional wireless device Registration
    • Acceptance of  User Access Agreement
  • When is this service available?
    • During normal business operating hours.
  • What is the usual response time for this service?
    • N/A.
  • How do I get help with this service?
  • Who is the support owner for this service?
    • Steve Solaas.
  • What are the support hours for this service?
    • 7:00am - 5:00pm, Monday - Friday.
    • For support outside of these hours, contact the ITS Service Desk at 901-222-2700 and leave a message. A Customer Support On-Call Technician will receive the message and call you back.
  • What is the cost for this service?
    • N/A.
  • Does this service require cost approval?
    • N/A.
  • What is the cost approval process?
    • N/A.