Anti-Virus Procurement and Implementation

Anti-Virus Management provides a service that assists County departments and organizations in procuring and implementing Anti-Virus software for the purpose of safequarding networks and applications servers from malicious software and content.

  • What are the features provided by this service?
    •  Procurement of Anti-Virus Licenses
    • Implementation of Anti-Virus software
    • Configuration of Anti-Virus software
    • Training of organization support personnel
    • Ongoing support in the event that an outbreak occurs or the system does not function as intended. This support will be primarily advisory and expertise-based and will require the vast majority of troubleshooting, repair, or outbreak response activities be conducted by the organization.
  • How do I request or access this service?
  • What are the requirements/pre-requisites for this service?
    • Approval from the department or organization for any costs identified. Possible permission for limited-time permission for ITS administrative access to the systems on which the anit-virus is being managed. This access may also be required if ITS is required to assist with an outbreak or technical issue with the system.
  • What is the turn around time for service delivery?
    • This is dependent upon the specific requirements and complexity of the request.
  • What are the responsibilities of customer?
    •  Business requirements document including the scope of the desired Anti-Virus rollout.
    • Designated department contact and project management resource.
    • Participation in regular status meetings.    
  • When is this service available?
    • Available Upon Request
  • What is the usual response time for this service?
    • Dependent upon the nature and size of the request
  • How do I get help with this service?
  • Who is the support owner for this service?
    • Shawn McClure
  • What are the support hours for this service?
    • 24x7
  • What is the cost for this service?
    • Costs may be incurred based upon the scope of the implementation and any additonal software required
  • Does this service require cost approval?
    • Depending on the amount, approvals could be required by either department administration or the IT Steering Committee.
  • What is the cost approval process?
    • Handled by IT Steering Committee and Department Heads.